The 2sms SNPP Paging solution allows you to send pager messages to 2sms, which will be converted to SMS Text Messages and delivered to any mobile devices.


An existing SNPP platform
You have registered to the 2sms system and have a valid account with message credits.

Connection Information

SNPP Server Host Name:
Port Number: 444

The SNPP solution will receive customer messages using the RFC 1861 – Simple Network Paging Protocol ( This server will accept all level 1 and some level 2 commands.


Level 1 Commands
PAGEr <Pager ID>Specify a cell phone number of five or more digits that should receive the message sent by the next SEND command. More than one PAGEr command may be issued for each SEND command. The COVErage command may affect the cell phone number format applicable to the next PAGEr command. The HOLDuntil command may be used to delay sending of the message to the cell phone number specified by the next PAGEr command.
MESSage <Alpha or Numeric Message>Specify a single-line message of up to 160 characters to be sent by the next SEND command to each cell phone number specified by the PAGEr command since the last SEND command was issued. To send a multi-line message, use the DATA command instead. Only one MESSage or DATA command may be issued for each SEND command.
RESEtClear all session data, reverting to the state of a fresh connection.
SENDSend the message specified by the MESSage or DATA command since the last SEND command was issued to each cell phone number specified by the PAGEr command since the last SEND command was issued.
QUITTerminate the current session.
HELPDisplay a screen of information about commands that are valid on the server.
Level 2 Commands
DATASpecify a multi-line message of up to 160 characters, (including one character for each line break,) to be sent by the next SEND command to each cell phone number specified by the PAGEr command since the last SEND command was issued. Issuing a DATA command places the server into data entry mode, in which multiple lines of text may be entered separated by pressing the <ENTER> key. A single period ‘.’ in the first position of a line terminates input and returns the server to command mode. To send a single-line message, use the MESSage command instead. Only one MESSage or DATA command may be issued for each SEND command.
LOGIn <loginid><password>Specify a account username and password to use for this session.
COVErage <AlternateArea>Override the default coverage area for the cell phone number specified by the next PAGEr command. Area ‘1’ denotes an international number, i.e. one that is prefixed with a country code. Area ‘0’ denotes the default coverage area applicable to the logged in account. This may be domestic or international, dependent upon the account holder’s location US accounts default to domestic number format, UK account default to international number format, etc.
HOLDUntil <YYMMDDHHMMSS> [+/-GMTdifference]Delay message sending to the cell phone number specified by the next PAGEr command until after the specified date and time. The time may be specified in local time, which is GMT time, or with an added parameter specifying offset from GMT, e.g. -0500 specifies Eastern Standard Time, -0600 specifies Central Time, etc. The most recently issued LOGIn command must have been accepted in order for a HOLDuntil command to succeed.
CALLerid <CallerID>Specify the shortcode from which the message to be sent by the next SEND command will appear to originate. This must be provisioned on the logged in account prior to use. If no CALLerid command is issued, or if the specified shortcode is not provisioned for use on the logged in account, the default shortcode provisioned for use on the logged in account is assumed.
SUBJect <MessageSubject>Specify a subject of up to 64 characters for the message to be sent by the next SEND command. The subject is not sent to the cell phones, but appears on reports for reference and can be used to quickly and simply send a follow-up message to that same batch of cell phones.